Typeclasses for bidirectional serialization
This is written in Literate Haskell.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Bidirectional.Serialization.Classes
Parsing (..)
( Printing (..)
, Profunctor (..)
, Functor (..)
, Applicative (..)
, Alternative (..)
, Monad (..)
, Functor1 (..)
, Applicative1 (..)
, Alternative1 (..)
, Monad1 (..)
, MonadPlus1 (..)
, Dict (..)
, =.)
, (replicatePA
, traversePA
, where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Constraint -- constraints
import Data.Profunctor -- profunctors
This merges previous developments I made about bidirectional serialization, to improve Pickler Combinators, the codec package, and Invertible Syntax Descriptions.
Two types and their instances
The main trick, as originally performed by codec, is to distinguish the
covariant occurence of a
in Parser a
and the contravariant one in
Printer a
. Thus we parameterize our interface over a type
p :: * -> * -> *
It can be instantiated with a parsing context get :: * -> *
Parsing get
. A Parsing get b a
is a parser get a
values of type a
. (b
is ignored in this direction.)
newtype Parsing get b a = Parsing { parsing :: get a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
It can also be instantiated with a printing context put :: * -> *
Printing put
. A Printing put b a
is a printer b -> put a
, which
takes a value of type b
, from which it extracts, prints and returns a value
of type a
newtype Printing put b a = Printing { printing :: b -> put a }
instance Functor put => Functor (Printing put b) where
fmap f (Printing put) = Printing (fmap f . put)
instance Applicative put => Applicative (Printing put b) where
pure x = Printing (\_ -> pure x)
Printing f <*> Printing x = Printing (liftA2 (<*>) f x)
instance Alternative put => Alternative (Printing put b) where
empty = Printing (\_ -> empty)
Printing a <|> Printing a' = Printing (liftA2 (<|>) a a')
instance Monad put => Monad (Printing put b) where
Printing a_ >>= f = Printing (\b -> a_ b >>= \a -> printing (f a) b)
Thus Parsing
and Printing
are a form of monad transformers,
though they don’t have the right kind to be instances of MonadTrans
The types of parsers and printers get
and put
are provided by users.
They should at least be instances of Profunctor
and Applicative
; they
may also be Alternative
or Monad
This interface is thus flexible and works with parsers of various expressive powers.
Mapping over two type parameters
Another valuable typeclass is Profunctor
is basically a synonym of fmap
, mapping over the second (right)
parameter of p :: * -> * -> *
. lmap
maps over the first (left) one, but
flips the arrows.
rmap :: Profunctor p => (a -> a') -> p b a -> p b a'
lmap :: Profunctor p => (b' -> b) -> p b a -> p b' a
For Parsing
, lmap
does not modify its argument, only its type.
instance Functor get => Profunctor (Parsing get) where
lmap _ (Parsing get) = Parsing get
rmap = fmap
For Printing
, lmap
is function composition.
instance Functor put => Profunctor (Printing put) where
lmap f (Printing put) = Printing (put . f)
rmap = fmap
A cool looking synonym
=.) :: Profunctor p => (b' -> b) -> p b a -> p b' a
(=.) = lmap
infixr 7 =.
Typeclasses for two-parameter types
These express that p a
is an instance of C (p a)
for all a
They avoid an explosion of constraints when instances for multiple
instantiations of a
are required.
class Functor1 p where
functor1 :: forall a. Dict (Functor (p a))
default functor1 :: Functor (p a) => Dict (Functor (p a))
functor1 = Dict
class Applicative1 p where
applicative1 :: forall a. Dict (Applicative (p a))
default applicative1 :: Applicative (p a) => Dict (Applicative (p a))
applicative1 = Dict
class Alternative1 p where
alternative1 :: forall a. Dict (Alternative (p a))
default alternative1 :: Alternative (p a) => Dict (Alternative (p a))
alternative1 = Dict
class Monad1 p where
monad1 :: forall a. Dict (Monad (p a))
default monad1 :: Monad (p a) => Dict (Monad (p a))
monad1 = Dict
class MonadPlus1 p where
monadPlus1 :: forall a. Dict (MonadPlus (p a))
default monadPlus1 :: MonadPlus (p a) => Dict (MonadPlus (p a))
monadPlus1 = Dict
Of course, Parsing
and Printing
are instances.
instance Functor get => Functor1 (Parsing get)
instance Applicative get => Applicative1 (Parsing get)
instance Alternative get => Alternative1 (Parsing get)
instance Monad get => Monad1 (Parsing get)
instance Functor put => Functor1 (Printing put)
instance Applicative put => Applicative1 (Printing put)
instance Alternative put => Alternative1 (Printing put)
instance Monad put => Monad1 (Printing put)
Pattern matching
This looks useful, not yet sure what for.
instance Functor get => Choice (Parsing get) where
left' (Parsing get) = Parsing (fmap Left get)
right' (Parsing get) = Parsing (fmap Right get)
instance Applicative put => Choice (Printing put) where
left' (Printing put) =
Printing (either (fmap Left . put) (pure . Right))
right' (Printing put) =
Printing (either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . put))
Extra combinators
Special variants of replicate
and traverse
must be defined
which handle the b
type parameter correctly.
These combinators produce parsers and printers for lists of length
fixed by the first argument (Int
or [c]
Trying to print a list of different length is an error.
:: (Profunctor p, Applicative (p [b]))
=> Int -> p b a -> p [b] [a]
replicatePA 0 _ = pure []
replicatePA n p =
(<$> head =. p
<*> tail =. replicatePA (n - 1) p
:: (Profunctor p, Applicative (p [b]))
=> (c -> p b a) -> [c] -> p [b] [a]
traversePA _ [] = pure []
traversePA f (c : cs) =
(<$> head =. f c
<*> tail =. traversePA f cs