Deriving instances with a twist

Posted on July 8, 2018

When defining new data types, instance derivation can generate basic functionality for free. However, that mechanism cannot handle all types. For example, deriving Eq or Show (using the stock strategy) assumes that all constructor fields are instances of Eq and Show.

But if that condition is only broken by one field among many others, it would be a waste if the work done by deriving could not be reused.

Extensions and imports for this Literate Haskell file
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

import Data.Coerce (coerce)

Problem example

Here is a Thing with four fields, one of which is a function. Let’s try to derive Show for it.

data Thing = Thing Int String Bool (Int -> Int)
  deriving Show

The compiler generates the following code to recursively show each field and put the results together, inserting parentheses where necessary.

instance Show Thing where
  showsPrec a_a1ar (Thing b1_a1as b2_a1at b3_a1au b4_a1av)
    = showParen
        (a_a1ar >= 11)
           (showString "Thing ")
              (showsPrec 11 b1_a1as)
                    (showsPrec 11 b2_a1at)
                          (showsPrec 11 b3_a1au)
                          ((.) showSpace (showsPrec 11 b4_a1av))))))))

That code is then typechecked, and that fails because b4_a1av is a function, of type Int -> Int, and there is no Show instance for that type.

A Show instance for functions

An obvious workaround is to add a dummy instance for functions, that produces some placeholder.

instance Show (a -> b) where
  show _ = "_"

In fact, there is such an instance defined in base for this purpose, in Text.Show.Functions, so we could just import it. We can use the empty import list to indicate that nothing apart from the instance comes from this module.

import Text.Show.Functions ()

Adding such an instance makes more Show instances derivable. However, dummy instances for functions can make some common mistakes harder to detect at compile time, such as forgetting to apply a function to an argument.

Furthermore, instances are always reexported, so if we’re writing a library, this also pollutes the environment of users with that controversial instance.

Parameterizing types

A better solution is to hide the problematic field from the deriving mechanism. We start by replacing the field type with a new parameter. (Thing0 is a new name for Thing to avoid conflicts in this Literate Haskell file.)

data Thing0_ x = Thing0 Int String Bool x

type Thing0 = Thing0_ (Int -> Int)

The goal is to be able to apply show to Thing0, without manually implementing Show for it (which is especially desirable if Thing0 is a big type).

First, we can standalone-derive a Show instance for a specialization of Thing0_ at a type with a Show instance. We will then use that as the basis for the actual instance.

The INCOHERENT pragma makes it so that this instance can be ignored by the compiler later, avoiding instance overlap errors. It is fine to use this pragma here because the final instance will behave identically anyway. The only purpose of this first instance is to get code derived by the compiler somewhere accessible.

deriving instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} Show (Thing0_ (Opaque x))

where Opaque is the following newtype with a dummy instance that ignores its contents:

newtype Opaque a = Opaque a

instance Show (Opaque a) where
  show _ = "_"

Now we can write the actual Show instance by “coercing” the derived one above. Specializing showsPrec to Thing0_ (Opaque x) cause the above instance to be chosen rather than the one we’re defining Thing0_ x (even though instance resolution can be recursive like that, e.g., Eq for []) because the above one is the most specific one that matches Thing (Opaque x).

instance Show (Thing0_ x) where
  showsPrec = coerce (showsPrec :: Int -> Thing0_ (Opaque x) -> ShowS)

Here we go.

main :: IO ()
main = print (Thing0 1 "two" True (+ 4) :: Thing0)

-- Output:    Thing0 1 "two" True _


INCOHERENT instances are always dirty hacks, because instance resolution can easily become unpredicable when they are abused.1 We used this pragma to “hide” an instance created using deriving, usually the stock instances for a few standard type classes. This trick also works for anyclass deriving of instances having default implementations that are otherwise not exported.

But once we have a “default implementation” of some form, we can modify it to work with an altered representation of a newly defined type using more common methods (coerce being the cheapest one). For this reason, libraries should export default implementations of type class methods as separate functions, even if they use DefaultSignatures.

For example, we can use the same technique to derive a tweaked Show instance from a GHC.Generics implementation (from my package generic-data2, which also defines the Opaque wrapper):

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Generic.Data (Opaque(..), gshowsPrec)  -- generic-data

data Thing_ x = Thing Int String Bool x
  deriving Generic

type Thing = Thing_ (Int -> Int)

instance Show (Thing_ x) where
  showsPrec = coerce (gshowsPrec :: Int -> Thing_ (Opaque x) -> ShowS)

main = print (Thing 1 "2" True (+ 4) :: Thing)

  1. aeson uses INCOHERENT instances to implement the omitNothingFields option. One possibly surprising consequence is that, for a parameterized Record type, having derived an instance forall a. ToJSON a => ToJSON (Record a) with omitNothingFields=True, using that instance with a = Maybe () will not allow fields originally of type a to be omitted.↩︎

  2. See also my previous post An old and new library for generic deriving.↩︎