Programming totally with head
and tail
How can we turn the infamous head
and tail
partial functions into total
functions? You may already be acquainted with two common solutions.
Today, we will investigate a more exotic answer using dependent types.
The meat of this post will be written in Agda, but should look familiar enough to Haskellers to be an accessible illustration of dependent types.
The list functions head
and tail
are frowned upon because they are partial
functions: if they are applied to the empty list, they will blow up and
break your program.
head :: [a] -> a
head (x : _) = x
head [] = error "empty list"
tail :: [a] -> [a]
tail (_ : xs) = xs
tail [] = error "empty list"
Sometimes we know that a certain list is never empty.
For example, if two lists have the same length, then after pattern-matching
on one, we also know the constructor at the head of the other.
Or the list is hard coded in the source for some reason, so we can see right
there that it’s not empty.
In those cases, isn’t it safe to use head
and tail
Rather than argue that unsafe functions are safe to use in a particular
situation (and sometimes getting it wrong), it is easier to side-step the
question altogether and replace head
and tail
with safer idioms.
To start, directly pattern-matching on the list is certainly a fine alternative.
Just short of that, one variant of head
and tail
wraps the result in
so we can return Nothing
in error cases, to be unpacked with whatever
error-handling mechanism is available at call sites.
headMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
tailMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
Another variant changes the argument type to be the type of non-empty lists, thus requiring callers to give static evidence that a list is not empty.
-- Data.List.NonEmpty
data NonEmpty a = a :| [a]
headNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a -> a
tailNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a -> [a]
In this post, I’d like to talk about one more total version of head
and tailTotal
From now on, let us surreptitiously switch languages to Agda (syntactically
speaking, the most disruptive change is swapping the roles of :
and ::
The functions headTotal
and tailTotal
are funny because they
make the following examples well-typed:
(1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) : Nat
headTotal (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) : List Nat tailTotal
, the result has typeNat
, notMaybe Nat
, the input list1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []
has typeList Nat
, a plain list, notNonEmpty
as it is cutely named in Agda.
and tailTotal
will be defined in Agda, so they are most
definitely total.
And yet they appear to be as convenient to use as the partial head
, where they can just be applied to a non-empty list to access its head
and tail.
As you might have noticed, this post is an advertisement for dependent types,
which are the key ingredients in the making of headTotal
and tailTotal
Naturally, this example only demonstrates the good points of these functions; we’ll get to the less good ones in time.
Let the types take the wheel
Let’s find the type and the body of headTotal
We put question marks as placeholders to be filled incrementally.
: ?
headTotal = ? headTotal
Obviously the type is going to depend on the input list. To define that dependent type, we will declare one more function to be refined simultaneously.
is a function parameterized by a type a
and a list
xs : List a
, and with return type headTotalType xs
which is another function of xs
That tells us to add some quantifiers and arrows to the type annotations.
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → ?
headTotalType = ?
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → headTotalType xs
headTotal = ? headTotal
(Note: Set
is the “type of types” in Agda, called Type
in Haskell.)
must return a type, i.e., a Set
Put that to the right of headTotalType
’s arrow.
A function producing a type is also called a type family:
a family of types indexed by lists xs : List a
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → Set
headTotalType = ?
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → headTotalType xs
headTotal = ? headTotal
Pattern-match on the list xs
, splitting both functions into two cases.
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → Set
headTotalType (x ∷ xs) = ?
headTotalType = ?
headTotalType []
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → headTotalType xs
headTotal (x ∷ xs) = ?
headTotal = ? headTotal []
In the non-empty case (x ∷ xs
), we know the head of the list is x
, of type
. Therefore that case is solved.
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → Set
headTotalType (_ ∷ _) = a
headTotalType = ?
headTotalType []
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → headTotalType xs
headTotal (x ∷ _) = x
headTotal = ? headTotal []
What about the empty case? We are looking for two values headTotalType []
and headTotal []
such that the former is the type of the latter:
headTotal [] : headTotalType []
That tells us that the type headTotalType []
is inhabited.
What else can we say about those unknowns?
After much thought, there doesn’t appear to be any requirement besides the
inhabitation of headTotalType []
Then, a noncommittal solution is to instantiate it with the unit type,
avoiding the arbitrariness in subsequently choosing its inhabitant,
since there is only one.
The unit type and its unique inhabitant are denoted tt : ⊤
in Agda.
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → Set
headTotalType (_ ∷ _) = a
headTotalType = ⊤ -- unit type
headTotalType []
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → headTotalType xs
headTotal (x ∷ _) = x
headTotal = tt -- unit value headTotal []
To recapitulate that last case,
when the list is empty, there is no head to take,
but we must still produce something.
Having no more requirements, we produce a boring thing, which is tt
The definition of headTotal
is now complete.
Following similar steps, we can also define tailTotal
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → Set
tailTotalType (_ ∷ _) = List a
tailTotalType = ⊤
tailTotalType []
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → tailTotalType xs
tailTotal (_ ∷ xs) = xs
tailTotal = tt tailTotal []
And with that, we can finally build the examples above!
_number : Nat
some_number = headTotal (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
_list : List Nat
some_list = tailTotal (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) some
We’re pretty much done, but we can still refactor a little to make this nicer to look at.
More polishing
First, notice that the two type families
and tailTotalType
are extremely similar, differing
only on whether the ∷
case equals a
or List a
Let’s merge them into a single function:
we define a type b `ifNotEmpty` xs
equal to b
if xs
is not empty, otherwise equal to ⊤
_`ifNotEmpty`_ : ∀ {a : Set} (b : Set) (xs : List a) → Set
(_ ∷ _) = b
b `ifNotEmpty` _ `ifNotEmpty` [] = ⊤
: ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → a `ifNotEmpty` xs
headTotal : ∀ {a : Set} (xs : List a) → List a `ifNotEmpty` xs tailTotal
The infix notation reflects the intuition that headTotal
has a meaning close
to a function List a → a
, and similarly with tailTotal
Finally, one last improvement is to reconsider the intention behind the unit
type ⊤
in this definition. If headTotal
or tailTotal
are applied to an
empty list, we probably messed up somewhere.
Such mistakes are made easier to spot by replacing ⊤
with an isomorphic but
more appropriately named type. If an empty list causes an error, we will either
see a Failure
to unify, or some ERROR
screaming at us.
data Failure : Set where
: Failure
_`ifNotEmpty`_ : ∀ {a : Set} (b : Set) (xs : List a) → Set
(_ ∷ _) = b
b `ifNotEmpty` = Failure
b `ifNotEmpty` []
: ∀ {a} (xs : List a) → a `ifNotEmpty` xs
headTotal (x ∷ _) = x
headTotal = ERROR
headTotal []
: ∀ {a} (xs : List a) → List a `ifNotEmpty` xs
tailTotal (_ ∷ xs) = xs
tailTotal = ERROR tailTotal []
We’ve now come full circle. The bodies of headTotal
and tailTotal
resemble those of the partial head
and tail
functions at the beginning of
this post.
The difference is that dependent types keep track of the erroneous cases.
A working Agda module with these functions can be found in the source repository of this blog. There is also a version in Coq.
(This was my first time programming in Agda. This language is super smooth.)
Ergonomics and applications
One might question how useful headTotal
and tailTotal
really are.
They may be not so different from headNonEmpty
and tailNonEmpty
because they’re all only meaningful with non-empty lists: the burden of proof
is the same. Even if we added ERROR
values to cover the []
case, the point
is really to not ever run into that case.
Moreover, to actually get the head out, headTotal
requires its argument to
be definitionally non-empty, otherwise the ergonomics are not much better than
In other words, for headTotal e
to have type a
rather than
a `ifNotEmpty` e
, the argument e
must actually be an expression
which reduces to a non-empty list e1 :: e2
, but that literally gives us an
expression e1
for the head of the list. Why not use it directly?
The catch is that the expression for the head might be significantly more
complex than the expression for the list itself, so we’d still rather write
headTotal e
than whatever that reduces to.
For example, I’ve used a variation of this technique in a type-safe
implementation of printf
The function printf
takes a format string as its first argument,
basically a string with holes.
For instance, "%s du %s"
is a format string with two placeholders for
Then, printf
expects more arguments to fill in the holes.
Once supplied, the result is a string with the holes correspondingly filled.
Importantly, format strings may vary in number and types of holes.
"%s du %s" "omelette" "fromage" ≡ "omelette du fromage"
printf "%d * %d = %d" 6 9 42 ≡ "6 * 9 = 42" printf
Intuitively, that means the type of printf
depends on the format string:
: ∀ (fmt : string) → printfType fmt
printf : string → Set printfType
However, not all strings are valid format strings.
If a special character is misused, for example,
may evaluate to ERROR
"%m" = ERROR -- "%m" makes no sense
printf "%m" = Failure printfType
In all “correct” programs, printf
is meant to be used with valid and
statically known format strings, so the ERROR
case doesn’t happen.
Nevertheless, printf "%d * %d = %d"
is a simpler expression to write than
whatever it evaluates to, which would be some lambda that serializes its three
arguments according to that format string.
I don’t have more examples right now, but this dependently typed validation technique seems well-suited to more general kinds of compile-time configurations, where it would not be practical to define a type encoding the necessary invariants.
Another hypothetical use case would be to extract the output of some
parameterized search algorithm.
Let’s imagine that it may not find a solution in general, so its return type
should be a possibly empty List a
. If you know that it does output something
for some hard-coded parameters, then headTotal
allows you to access it with
little ceremony.
On a related note, ifNotEmpty
seems generalizable to a dependently typed
variant of the Maybe
monad, keeping track of all the conditions for it to not
be a Failure
at the type level.
featured here.

is partial, undefined at[]
maps into two types,Failure
, depending on the value of the input.headMaybe
maps intoMaybe a
, a bigger type thana
, and cuttinga
out of it would take a bit of work.headNonEmpty
has the cleanest looking diagram from putting the problem of[]
out of scope.
What other variations are there?
coq-printf. This trick is no longer used since version 2.0.0 though, a better alternative having been found in Coq’s new system for string notations.↩︎
It would also be reasonable to ignore the “error” and accept all strings as valid.↩︎