Definitional lawfulness: proof by inspection testing
Can we prove Monad
instances lawful using inspection-testing?
In this very simple experiment, I’ve tried to make it work for the common monads found in base and transformers.
Main takeaways:
- Associativity almost holds for all of the considered monads,
with the main constraint being that the transformers must be applied
to a concrete monad such as
rather than an abstractm
. - The identity laws were relaxed to hold “up to eta-expansion”.
cheats using rewrite rules.- This is a job for CPP.
The source code is available in this gist.
Let’s see how to use inspection testing through the first example of the associativity law. It works similarly for the other two laws.
Here’s the associativity law we are going to test. I prefer this formulation since it makes the connection with monoids and categories obvious:
((f >=> g) >=> h) = (f >=> (g >=> h))
To use inspection testing, turn the two sides of the equation into functions:
assoc1, assoc2 :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (c -> m d) -> (a -> m d)
assoc1 f g h = (f >=> g) >=> h
assoc2 f g h = f >=> (g >=> h)
These two functions are not the same if we don’t know anything about m
. So choose a concrete monad m
. For example, Identity
assoc1, assoc2 :: (a -> Identity b) -> (b -> Identity c) -> (c -> Identity d) -> (a -> Identity d)
assoc1 f g h = (f >=> g) >=> h
assoc2 f g h = f >=> (g >=> h)
GHC will be able to inline the definition of (>=>)
for Identity
simplify both functions.
The inspection test
Using the inspection-testing library, we can now assert that the simplified functions in GHC Core are in fact equal:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
inspect $ 'assoc1 ==- 'assoc2
This test is executed at compile time.
The quoted identifiers 'assoc1
and 'assoc2
are the names of the functions
as values (different things from the functions themselves), that the function
uses to look up their simplified definitions in GHC Core.
The (==-)
operator asserts that they must be the same, while ignoring
coercions and type lambdas—constructs of the GHC Core language which will be
erased in later compilation stages.
Copy-paste programming with CPP
These tests can be tedious to adapt for each monad. The main change is the monad name; another concern is to use different function names for each test case. The result is a fair amount of code duplication:
assoc1Identity, assoc2Identity
:: (a -> Identity b) -> (b -> Identity c) -> (c -> Identity d) -> (a -> Identity d)
assoc1Identity f g h = (f >=> g) >=> h
assoc2Identity f g h = f >=> (g >=> h)
inspect $ 'assoc1Identity ==- 'assoc2Identity
assoc1IO, assoc2IO
:: (a -> IO b) -> (b -> IO c) -> (c -> IO d) -> (a -> IO d)
assoc1IO f g h = (f >=> g) >=> h
assoc2IO f g h = f >=> (g >=> h)
inspect $ 'assoc1IO ==- 'assoc2IO
The best way I found to handle the boilerplate is a CPP macro:
assoc1'NAME, assoc2'NAME :: (a -> M b) -> (b -> M c) -> (c -> M d) -> a -> M d ; \
assoc1'NAME = assoc1 ; \
assoc1'NAME = assoc2 ; \
inspect $ 'assoc1'NAME FFF 'assoc2'NAME
It can be used as follows:
Template Haskell is the other obvious candidate, but it is not as convenient:
- There’s no syntax to parameterize quotes by function names; at best, they can be wrapped in a pattern or expression quote, but type declarations require raw names; I object to explicitly constructing the AST.
- The
function must execute after the two given functions are defined; these two steps cannot be done in a single splice.
The inspection tests pass for almost all of the monads under test.
Three tests fail. One (Writer
) could be fixed with a little tweak.
The other two (Select
and Product
) can probably be fixed, I’m not sure.
Nevertheless, thinking through why the other tests succeed can also be an instructive exercise.
The writer monad consists of pairs, where one component can be thought of as a “log” produced by the computation. All we really need is a way to concatenate logs, so logs can formally be elements of an arbitrary monoid:
newtype Writer log a = Writer (a, log)
instance Monoid log => Monad (Writer log) where
return a = Writer (a, mempty)
Writer (a, log) >>= k =
let Writer (b, log') = k a in
b, log <> log') (
The writer monad does not pass any of the three inspection tests
(associativity, left identity, right identity)
because the order of composition using (>=>)
is reflected after
inlining in the order of composition using (<>)
which GHC cannot reassociate in general.
A simple fix is to instantiate the monoid log
to a concrete one
whose operations do get reassociated, such as Endo e
While that makes the test less general technically, it can also be
argued that this is such a localized change that we should still be able to
derive from it a fair amount of confidence that the law holds in the general
The fact that Maybe
passes the test is a good illustration of
one extremely useful simplification rule applied by GHC:
the “case-of-case” transformation.
Expand both sides of the equation:
((f >=> g) >=> h) = (f >=> (g >=> h))
The left-hand side is a case
expression whose
scrutinee is another case
a ->
case f a of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just b -> g b
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> h c
The right-hand side is a case
containing a case
expression in one of its branches:
a ->
\case f a of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just b ->
case g b of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> h c
The code in the latter Figure B tends to execute faster.
One simple reason for that is that if f a
evaluates to Nothing
the whole expression will then immediately reduce to Nothing
, whereas
Figure A will take one more step to reduce the inner
before the outer case
Computations nested in case
scrutinees also tend to require additional
bookkeeping when compiled naively.
The key rule, named “case-of-case”, stems from remarking that
eventually, a case expression reduces to one of its branches.
Therefore, when it is surrounded by some context—an outer case
expression—we might as well apply the context to the branches directly.
Figure A transforms into the following:
a ->
\case f a of
Nothing ->
case Nothing of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> h c
Just b ->
case g b of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> h c
And the first branch reduces to Nothing
This transformation is not always a good idea to apply,
because it duplicates the context, once for each branch of the inner case
That rule pays off when some of these branches are constructors and when the
context is a case
, so the transformation turns them into “case of
constructor” which can be simplified away.
The representation of IO
in GHC Core looks like a strict state monad.
data IO a = IO# (State# RealWorld -> (# a, State# RealWorld #))
However, the resemblance between IO
and State
is purely syntactic,
viewing Haskell programs only as terms to be rewritten, rather than
mathematical functions “from states to states”.
The token that is being passed around as the “state” in IO
has no meaning
other than as a gadget to maintain the evaluation order required by the
semantics of IO
It is merely an elegant coincidence that the implementation of IO
perfectly the mechanics of the state monad.
The continuation monad transformer
Out of all the examples considered in this experiment,
the continuation monad is the only example of a monad transformer applied
to an abstract monad m
. All the other transformers are specialized to the
identity monad.
That is because the other monad transformers use the underlying monad’s
in their own definition of (>>=)
, and that blocks simplification.
is special: its Monad (ContT r m)
instance does not even use a Monad m
instance. That allows it to compute where other monad transformers cannot.
This observation also suggests only using concrete monads as a strategy for optimizations to take place. The main downside is the lack of modularity. Some computations are common to many monads (e.g., traversals), and it also seems desirable to not have to redefine and recompile them from scratch for every new monad we come up with.
The list monad
For the list monad, (>>=)
is flip concatMap
concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
is a recursive function, and GHC does not inline those.
Given that, it may be surprising that it passes the inspection test.
This is thanks to bespoke rewrite rules in the standard library to
implement list fusion.
You can confirm that by defining your own copy of the list monad and see that it fails the test.
Another idea was to disable rewrite rules (-fno-enable-rewrite-rules
but this breaks even things unrelated to lists for mysterious reasons.
Right identity: eta
to the right of (>>=)
cancels out.
(u >>= pure) = u
The right-hand side is very easy to simplify: there is nothing to do.
The problem is that on the left-hand side, we need to do some work to
combine u
and pure
, and that almost always some of that work remains
visible after simplification. Sadly, the main culprit is laziness.
For example, in the Reader
monad, u >>= pure
reduces to the following:
Reader (\r -> runReader u r)
If we ignore the coercions Reader
and runReader
, then we have:
r -> u r \
That is the eta-expanded2 form of u
. In Haskell, where u
might be
undefined but a lambda is not undefined, \r -> u r
is not equivalent to u
To me, the root of the issue is that we can use seq
on everything, including
functions, and that allows us to distinguish undefined
(blows up) from
\x -> undefined x
(which is equivalent to \x -> undefined
; does not blow up
until it’s applied).
A perhaps nicer alternative is to put seq
in a type class which can only be
implemented by data types, excluding various functions and computations.
That would add extra constraints on functions that do use strictness on abstract
types, such as foldl'
. It’s unclear whether that would be a flaw or a feature.
So u
and \r -> u r
are not always the same, but really because of a single
exception, when u
is undefined. So they are still kinda the same.
Eta-expansion can only make an undefined term somewhat less undefined, but
arguably not in any meaningful way.
This suggests to relax the equality relation to allow terms to be equal “up to eta-expansion”:
f = g if (\x -> f x) = (\x -> g x)
Furthermore, eta-expansion is an idempotent operation:
r -> (\r1 -> u r1) r = \r -> u r \
So to compare two functions, we can expand both sides, and if one side was already eta-expanded, it will reduce back to itself.
We can write the test case as follows:
lid1, lid2 :: Reader r a -> Reader r a
lid1 x = eta x
lid2 x = eta (x >>= pure)
eta :: Reader r a -> Reader r a
eta (Reader u) = Reader (\r -> u r)
inspect $ 'lid1 ==- 'lid2
Generalized eta
The notion of “eta-expansion” can be generalized to other types than function types, notably for pairs:
eta :: (a, b) -> (a, b)
eta xy = (fst x, snd y)
The situation is similar to functions:
may be undefined, but eta xy
is never undefined.3
This suggests the definition of a type class for generalized eta-expansion:
class Eta a where
-- Law: eta x = x modulo laziness
eta :: a -> a
instance Eta (a, b) where
eta ~(x, y) = (x, y) -- The lazy pattern is equivalent to using projections
instance Eta (Reader r a) where
eta (Reader f) = Reader (\r -> f r)
The handling of type parameters here is somewhat arbitrary: one could also try to eta-expand the components of the pair for instance.
Two more interesting cases are ContT
and IO
For ContT
, we not only expand u
to \k -> u k
but we also expand the continuation to get \k -> u (\x -> k x)
instance Eta (ContT r m a) where
eta (ContT u) = ContT (\k -> u (\x -> k x))
It is also possible, and necessary, to eta-expand IO
, whatever that means.
instance Eta (IO a) where
eta u = IO (\s -> case IO f -> f s)
-- Note: eta is lazier than id.
-- eta (undefined :: IO a) /= (undefined :: IO a)
Left identity: eta, but also sharing
on the left of (>>=)
cancels out.
(pure x >>= k) = k x
The left identity has the same issue with eta-expansion that we just described for the right identity. It also has another problem with sharing.
In the Reader
monad for example, (pure x >>= k)
first expands to—ignoring
the coercions for clarity:
r -> k x r \
However, GHC also decides to extrude the k x
because it doesn’t depend on r
let u = k x in \r -> u r
The details go a little over my head, but I found a cunning workaround in the
magical function GHC.Exts.inline
in the Eta
instance for Reader
instance Eta (ReaderT e m a) where
eta u = ReaderT (\x -> runReaderT (inline u) x)
Definitional lawfulness
When these inspection tests pass, that is proof that the monad laws hold.
If we reduce what the compiler does to inlining and simplification, then on the one hand, not all monads can be verified that way (e.g., lists that don’t cheat with rewrite rules); on the other hand, when the proof works, it proves a property stronger than “lawfulness”.
Let’s call it “definitional lawfulness”: we say that the laws hold “by definition”, with trivial simplification steps only. There is some subjectivity about what qualifies as a “trivial” simplification; it boils down to how dumb the compiler/proof-checker can be. Nevertheless, what makes definitional lawfulness interesting is that:
it is immediately inspection-testable and the test is actually a proof, unlike with random property testing (QuickCheck) for example;
if the compiler can recognize the monad laws by mere simplification, that very likely implies that it can simplify the overhead of more complex monadic expressions.
That implication is not obviously true, it’s actually false in practice without some manual help, but definitional lawfulness gets us some of the way there. A sufficient condition is for inlining and simplification to be confluent (“the order of simplification does not matter”), but inlining being limited by heuristics jeopardizes that property because those heuristics depend on the order of simplifications.
Custom rewrite rules also make the story more complicated, which is why I just consider it cheating, and prefer structures that enable fusion by simplification, such as difference lists and other continuation-passing tricks.
is also calledmappend
, and at the level of Core there is an unfortunately visible difference, which is why the source code usesmappend
.↩︎Paradoxically, it is sometimes called “eta-reduction” even if it makes the term look “bigger”, because it also makes them look more “regular”.↩︎
There is in fact a deeper analogy. Pairs can be seen as (dependent) functions with domain
. Pairs and functions can also be viewed in terms of a more general notion of “negative types”, “codata”.↩︎