Theory of iteration and recursion

Posted on January 3, 2021

Recursion and iteration are two sides of the same coin. A common way to elaborate that idea is to express one in terms of the other. Iteration, recursively: to iterate an action, is to do the action, and then iterate the action again. Conversely, a recursive definition can be approximated by unfolding it iteratively. To implement recursion on a sequential machine, we can use a stack to keep track of those unfoldings.

So there is a sense in which these are equivalent, but that already presumes that they are not exactly the same. We think about recursion differently than iteration. Hence it may a little surprising when recursion and iteration both appear directly as two implementations of the same interface.

To summarize the main point without all the upcoming category theory jargon, there is one signature which describes an operator for iteration, recursion, or maybe a bit of both simultaneously, depending on how you read the symbols ==> and +:

iter :: (a ==> a + b) -> (a ==> b)

Iteration operator

The idea of “iteration” is encapsulated by the following function iter:

iter :: (a -> Either a b) -> (a -> b)
iter f a =
  case f a of
    Left a' -> iter f a'
    Right b -> b

iter can be thought of as a “while” loop. The body of the loop f takes some state a, and either says “continue” with a new state a' to keep the loop going, or “break” with a result b.

Iterative categories

We can generalize iter. It transforms “loop bodies” into “loops”, and rather than functions, those could be entities in any category. An iteration operator on some category denoted (==>) is a function with the following signature:

iter :: (a ==> a + b) -> (a ==> b)

satisfying a bunch of laws, with the most obvious one being a fixed point equation:1

iter f = (f >>> either (iter f) id)

where (>>>) and id are the two defining components of a category, and either is the eliminator for sums (+). The technical term for “a category with sums” is a cocartesian category.

class Category k => Cocartesian k where
  type a + b    -- Not fully well-formed Haskell.
  either :: k a c -> k b c -> k (a + b) c
  left :: k a (a + b)
  right :: k b (a + b)

-- Replacing k with an infix (==>)
-- either :: (a ==> c) -> (b ==> c) -> (a + b ==> c)

Putting this all together, an iterative category is a cocartesian category plus an iter operation.

class Cocartesian k => Iterative k where
  iter :: k a (a + b) -> k a b

The fixed point equation provides a pretty general way to define iter. For the three in this post, it produces working functions in Haskell. In theory, properly sorting out issues of non-termination can get hairy.

iter :: (a -> Either a b) -> (a -> b)
iter f = f >>> either (iter f) id
-- NB: (>>>) = flip (.)

Recursion operator

Recursion also provides an implementation for iter, but in the opposite category, (<==). If you flip arrows back the right way, this defines a twin interface of “coiterative categories”. Doing so, sums (+) become products (*).

class Cartesian k => Coiterative k where
  coiter :: k (a * b) a -> k b a

-- with infix notation (==>) instead of k,
-- coiter :: (a * b ==> a) -> (b ==> a)

We can wrap any instance of Iterative as an instance of Coiterative and vice versa, so iter and coiter can be thought of as the same interface in principle. For particular implementations, one or the other direction may seem more intuitive.

If we curry and flip the argument, the type of coiter becomes (b -> a -> a) -> b -> a, which is like the type of fix :: (a -> a) -> a but with the functor (b -> _) applied to both the domain (a -> a) and codomain a: coiter is fmap fix.

coiter' :: (b -> a -> a) -> b -> a
coiter' = fmap fix

The fixed point equation provides an equivalent definition. We need to flip (>>>) into (<<<) (which is (.)), and the dual of either does not have a name in the standard library, but it is liftA2 (,).

coiter :: ((a, b) -> a) -> b -> a
coiter f = f . liftA2 (,) (coiter f) id

-- where --

liftA2 (,) :: (c -> a) -> (c -> b) -> (c -> (a, b))

That latter definition is mostly similar to the naive definition of fix, where fix f will be reevaluated with every unfolding.

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)

We have two implementations of iter, one by iteration, one by recursion. Iterative categories thus provide a framework generalizing both iteration and recursion under the same algebraic rules.

From those two examples, one might hypothesize that iter models iteration, while coiter models recursion. But here is another example which suggests the situation is not as simple as that.

Functor category, free monads

We start with the category of functors Type -> Type, which is equipped with a sum:

data (f :+: g) a = L (f a) | R (g a)

But the real category of interest is the Kleisli category of the “monad of free monads”, i.e., the mapping Free from functors f to the free monads they generate Free f. That mapping is itself a monad.

data Free f a = Pure a | Lift (f (Free f a))

An arrow f ==> g is now a natural transformation f ~> Free g, i.e., forall a. f a -> Free g a:

-- Natural transformation from f to g
type f ~> g = forall a. f a -> g a

One intuition for that category is that functors f are interfaces, and the free monad Free f is inhabited by expressions, or programs, using operations from the interface f. Then a natural transformation f ~> Free g is an implementation of the interface f using interface g. Those operations compose naturally: given an implementation of f in terms of g (f ~> Free g), and an implementation of g in terms of h (g ~> Free h), we can obtain an implementation of f in terms of h (f ~> Free h). Thus arrows _ ~> Free _ form a category—and that also mostly implies that Free is a monad.

We can define iter in that category. Like previous examples, we can define it without thinking by using the fixed point equation of iter. We will call rec this variant of iter, because it actually behaves a lot like fix whose name is already taken:

rec :: (f ~> Free (f :+: g)) -> (f ~> Free g)
rec f = f >>> either (rec f) id

-- where --

(>>>) :: (f ~> Free g) -> (g ~> Free h) -> (f ~> Free h)
id :: f ~> Free f
either :: (f ~> h) -> (g ~> h) -> (f :+: g ~> h)

We eventually do have to think about what rec means.

The argument f ~> Free (f :+: g) is a recursive implementation of an interface f: it uses an interface f :+: g which includes f itself. rec f composes f with either (rec f) id, which is basically some plumbing around rec f. Consequently, rec takes a recursive program prog :: f ~> Free (f :+: g), and produces a non-recursive program f ~> Free g, using that same result to implement the f calls in prog, so only the other “external” calls in g remain.

That third version of iter (rec) has similarities to both of the previous versions (iter and fix).

Obviously, the whole explanation above is given from perspective of recursion, or self-referentiality. While fix simply describes recursion as fixed points, rec provides a more elaborate model based on an explicit notion of syntax using Free monads.

There is also a connection to the eponymous interpretation of iter as iteration. Both iter and rec use a sum type (Either or (:+:)), representing a choice: to “continue” or “break” the loop, to “recurse” or “call” an external function.

Control-flow graphs

That similarity may be more apparent when phrased in terms of low-level “assembly-like” languages, control-flow graphs. Here, programs consist of blocks of instructions, with “jump” instructions pointing to other blocks of instructions. Those programs form a category. The objects, i.e., interfaces, are sets of “program labels” that one can jump to. A program p : I ==> J exposes a set of “entry points” I and a set of “exit points” J: execution enters the program p by jumping to a label in I, and exits it by jumping to a label in J. There may be other “internal jumps” within such a program, which are not visible in the interface I ==> J.

The operation iter : (I ==> I + J) -> (I ==> J) takes a program p : I ==> I + J, whose exit points are in the disjoint union of I and J; iter p : I ==> J is the result of linking the exit points in I to the corresponding entry points, turning them into internal jumps. With some extra conditional constructs, we can easily implement “while” loops (“iter on _ -> _”) with such an operation.

Simple jumps (“jump to this label”) are pretty limited in expressiveness. We can make them more interesting by adding return locations to jumps, which thus become “calls” (“push a frame on the stack and jump to this label”)—to be complemented with “return” instructions. That generalization allows us to (roughly) implement rec, suggesting that those various interpretations of iter are maybe not as different as they seem.

iter :: (a ==> a + b) -> (a ==> b)

-- specializes to --

iter   :: (a -> Either a b)     -> (a -> b)
coiter :: ((a, b) -> a)         -> (b -> a)
rec    :: (f ~> Free (f :+: g)) -> (f ~> Free g)